Jordan and Honda agree to part

The following statement was issued by Honda Motor Company yesterday morning, pending a formal announcement by Jordan concerning a significant new partnership which will be formally announced in the coming days:

'Honda Motor Company announced today that it has reached agreement with Jordan Grand Prix to end its Formula One engine supply contract at the end of the 2002 season.

The Japanese manufacturer returned to Formula One in 2000 with an engine supply and joint chassis development contract with British American Racing.  The following year Honda signed a deal with Jordan Grand Prix to supply Formula One engines.

At the beginning of the 2002 season Honda restructured its joint chassis development project, strengthened the internal Formula One structure within Honda R&D and extended its contract with British American Racing for a further three years.

Honda's challenge for the FIA Formula One World Championship will continue with British American Racing.

Takeo Fukui, Senior Managing Director, Honda Motor Company Ltd: "We appreciate very much the two years that we have worked together with Jordan Grand Prix.  We will obviously continue to do our best for the last five races of this year.  We'd like to give everybody at Jordan Grand Prix our best wishes for the future and look forward to some exciting racing during the 2003 season and beyond."

Jordan Grand Prix