Official Sponsors
Official suppliers
Technical Partners
Internet partners
Brand partners
Vielife Powermarque Laurent-Perrier TMA
NHK Spring Co. Ltd Liqui Moly


The Huntingdon based fleet services company was formed in 1996 as an independent subsidiary of the Anglian Water Group, and was named ‘Fleet Management Company of the Year’ in 1998 and 1999 by the Institute of Transport Management and ‘Best New Fleet Company’ in 2000 by Fleet News.

Powermarque provides a comprehensive range of services, including fleet funding and insurance, contract hire, with or without maintenance, and sale and leaseback by leading edge web technology.  Their accident management service ensures that drivers get the fastest and most cost efficient support at any time.  Calleva, acquired in February 1999, specialises in the smaller fleet company attracting the majority of its business through its highly advanced website.  This brings Powermarque’s total fleet size to over 18,000.  Their aim is to be the driving force behind customers by building flexible package solutions for our partners.  Powermarque is proud to be linked to Jordan Grand Prix by supplying a fleet of cars and specialist vehicles to support the team’s success.

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