Founded in Torquay, Australia, in the late 60’s, QUIKSILVER has successfully managed to become the leading brand in the world of boardriding, whilst remaining true to its roots and values. QUIKSILVER logo, a snow capped mountain surrounded by a wave, is born from the elements where spontaneity and commitment are essential. It is a visual metaphor of what the brand stands for, an adrenaline charged living, where form and function are the keys to survival.
QUIKSILVER designs, produces and distributes clothing, eyewear, time pieces, and accessories for young-minded people and develop brands that represent a casual lifestyle, driven from its boardriding heritage. Whether it is surfing or skateboarding, beaches or mountains, girls or boys, QUIKSILVER’s products encompass quality, innovation and durability.
QUIKSILVER brand, products, stores and events are true to the heritage and perspective of boardriders everywhere. They generate images that are recognized around the world as symbols of freedom and individual expression. The dedication to be the best, the timeless experience to live a full life, an insatiable need to push the limits encapsulates QUIKSILVER’s mindset.